WooCommerce Single: Product Meta (Pro)

Display and control the style of the product Meta Data on WooCommerce Single template


  1. View: Choose to display the Product Meta in Table view, Stacked view, or Inline
  2. Space Between: Set the amount of space between each Product Meta item
  3. Divider: Set to On to place a divider line between each Product Meta item
  4. Style: Choose the style of the divider line from Solid, Double, Dotted, or Dashed.
  5. Weight: Control the thickness of the divider line
  6. Height: Control the height of the divider line
  7. Color: Choose the color of the divider line


  1. Typography: Set the typography options for the Product Meta text
  2. Color: Choose the color of the Product Meta text


  1. Typography: Set the typography options for the Product Meta link text
  2. Color: Choose the color of the Product Meta link text


  1. Singular: Set the name to use for Singular Category
  2. Plural: Set the name to use for Plural Category


  1. Singular: Set the name to use for Singular Tag
  2. Plural: Set the name to use for Singular Tag


  1. SKU: Set the name to use for Defined SKU
  2. Missing: Set the name to use for Missing SKU

Note: The style of this widget is often affected by your theme and plugins. If you experience any such issue, try to switch to a basic theme and deactivate related plugins, or adjust the styling within your theme’s settings.

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